Vegetarian In the Works Here


Ever since I accidentally became a vegetarian back in 2018, I’ve had to get creative when it comes to food. Truth be told, actually becoming a vegetarian was hard, but maintaining a vegetarian by way of eating has surprisingly been easy!  I eat all kinds of vegetarian-friendly foods such as vegetables, fruits, lentils, and as many impossible plant-based meats I can get my hands around.


Since I’m only fending for myself when it comes to eating this way, I eat out pretty often while cooking at home on occasion. You can expect to see some of my favorite places to eat, quick meals to cook, my go-to snacks, and practices that I’ve adopted that have helped me to stay with it.  Even if you’re not a vegetarian, I think your interest will be peaked by my (self-proclaimed) successful Layman’s approach to this lifestyle. I mean, if I can do you, you can do it, too.


DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional nutritionist or dietitian. I’ve found what works for me and I’m happy to share with you in hopes it does the same and takes some of the sting out of diving into a new and healthy way of living.


Why I started a Blog In 2021?