Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters


Rating: 4 Stars

Brief Synopsis

As the beginning of a new relationship unfolds, Ames not only discovers his girlfriend, Katrina, is pregnant, he’s been grappling with how to share with her that he once lived as a transgendered woman. While confiding in his ex-girlfriend, Reese, about his concerns with becoming a father, Ames decides to propose a plan to Katrina and Reese that could benefit all three of them in different ways.

What I Loved

The writing is as smooth as silk. There’s such an irreverence and wit that hits you the moment you start reading it. I learned so much about the varying dynamics and experiences that occur within the Trans community that directly related to relationships, motherhood, and detransitioning.

What I Didn’t Like

There were some internal dialogues shared through the perspective of Reese that left a bad taste in my mouth. On one end, I empathized with Reese considering her story and desire to have children of her own. On the other end though, there were moments that felt as if she had stereotypical or narrow minded ideals of what cis women are, do, and care about that were just offensive.


The story’s development is very raw and gritty. Do be cautious as some of the topics and themes could serve as triggers. 


This was not a speed read for me. I took my time and really tried to dissect each character and their experiences. I will not pretend I fully grasped all that was discussed and developed as there were quite a few layered plots, but I finished reading having more perspective of the ebbs and flows associated with being and living Trans.

This is an important read I think for many who feel they know very little about the Trans community as I’m sure the fictional book’s plot was based on personal or observed experiences. Also, the description used to categorize persons as ‘Sex in the City’ characters was on point. In case you’re wondering, I’m a mash-up of Carrie and Charlotte.

If you haven’t read this, you should definitely put it on your TBR list ASAP. It’s a fantastic and knowledge filled read.


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