Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano


Rating: 5 Stars


Finlay Donovan is a suspense-romance novelist that’s navigating single motherhood, co-parenting with an ex she can’t hardly stand, and an ever mounting financial debt she’s trying get under control. After a visit to a local eatery turns into quite the misunderstanding, Finlay is left with an offer she can’t refused, but probably should for morality reasons and lack of credentials.

What I Liked

This will be the book you’re going to hear more and more about throughout the year and for good reason. Finlay is naturally charming woman that’s somehow relatable to all. The writing is smart, plain fun, and paced so well. This is the first time that I’ve thought the #bookkisds actually added value and further developed the main character.

What I Didn’t Like

This book is pretty perfect and I didn’t find much about it that I didn’t like. However, the last line of the book ends with quite the cliffhanger. It’s the best set up for the upcoming sequel, but I just wasn’t expecting it at all and now hate that I have to wait for a sequel to see what happens.


If you can’t tell by now, I stan Finlay Donovan. I just suggested this to a friend and my sister in law who were seeking some light, fun, but not romance centered reading. My book club had the opportunity to chat with the author, Elle Cosimano, and her shared experiences while developing this fun piece and overall conversation just made the book all that much better. I think anyone who reads this will absolutely love it. Also, the cover is just a chef’s kiss to the story, right?

By any means necessary, be sure to check this one out!


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