May 12, 2021: Hidden Gems Over What’s Popular


The month of May is already turning out to be a rocky start to book reading. For some reason, I’ve put unnecessary pressure on myself when it comes to reading. I guess you can blame it on quasi-bookstagram pressure? (claiming it as a thing)

However, I had to remind myself that it’s okay if I read books that are not hitting the shelves this year. It’s okay to not hit the mark in terms of my personal monthly reading goals to take a reading break. It’s okay to skip a monthly bookclub pick in order to read something I chose to read myself.

So, whether you’re reading all the things or you haven’t picked up a book in months (or years), just remember that reading is suppose to be enjoyable, intentional, and on your time.

Here’s my TBR pile of books I picked up from a few local bookstores that are not hot new releases, but they’re brand new to me and they peaked my interest.

What hidden gems or non-new releases are reading now or want to read soon?


July Book Wrap-up


My First (Unsolicited)ARC