Book Review: The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi
‘If nobody sees you, are you still there?’
In a Nigerian village, Vivek is killed and his body was laid on his parents’ front porch for their discovery. Through the varying perspectives of his mother, Kavita, his Cousin, Ostia, and Vivek, himself, we learn of Vivek’s life and the truth behind his death. The beginning of the book may be the ending of Vivek’s life, but it is only the beginning of his story.
I enjoyed the author’s ability to provide clear imagery as it relates to the descriptions used to detail the villages in Nigeria in which the characters lived. There are elements in the novel that one could find triggering. Some of the themes the book covers include identity, loneliness, acceptance, grief, and the breaking of social constructs relative to gender identity. One of the most difficult and disturbing themes for me to digest was the storyline directly related to incest.
This was a heartbreaking read. I’m not sure it’s one I can recommend if one is seeking an uplifting escape. I do think the telling of Vivek’s life is important and for a book to be regarded as groundbreaking, its storyline has to stay with you long after you turn the last page be it the story was easy or difficult to absorb or truly understand.
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