June Wrap-Up

Nothing against the other seasons, but Summer has my whole heart when it comes to devouring books.  Though the temperatures were rising in May,  it was June that brought on the skin sticking to the car seats and the immediate sweating the moment I stepped outside heat. You know that Summer, Summer.  So, my reading mind was on deck and ready to be booked.  I managed to read a total of six books.  Most of what I read this month were audiobooks.   And if you’re wondering, audiobooks count as reading books over here.

Anyway, I added a few well-deserved reads to my favorite pile where one fell completely flat. The flat falling one actually ended up in the ‘DNF’ pile. I didn’t connect with at all and I’m mad at myself for even trying. Since May proved to be quite the reading slump, I’m sad to see June end considering it was a (personally) successful.

July—keep that same energy, please.

June Reading Stats

Number of Books: 6

Number of Pages: 361

Audiobook Hours: 46.20

New Favorites

  • Seven Days in June by Tia Williams (5 Stars)

  • The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves (5 Stars)

  • It Had To be You by Georgia Clark (4.5 Stars)

Liked and Learned

  • Summer on the Bluffs by Sonny Hostins (4 Stars)

  • Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson (4.5 Stars)

  • People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry (3.5 Stars)

New Member of My DNF Pile

  • Good Riddance by Elinor Lipman (2.5 Stars)

What Did You Read In June?


My First (Unsolicited)ARC


The Girl He Used To Know By Tracy Garvis Graves